
Mazdak Insurance Services

Consumer Privacy Notice;

To learn about how we collects and uses your personal information, please read the following notice.

  • Information that we collect about you
  1. We collect information about you that is necessary to provide you with our products and services. We treat this information as confidential. We value your confidence in us.
  2. The information you provide on applications or other forms. It may includes your name, address, e-mail addresses, driver license number, date of birth, gender, marital status,  prior insurance information, vehicle description, phone number and other drivers information.
  3. The information we receive from a consumer reporting agency (such as your driving record or claims history).
  4. Your transaction with us, our affiliates or others (such as claims history).
  5.  We will disclose consumer report and state information only as necessary to quote or service your policy and as permitted or required by law. We only share information to transact insurance with our insurance carriers.
  • Personal information we disclose

We may disclose any information we collect about you as permitted by law and without your prior authorization.

Examples include:

  1. To another insurance company, agent, to detect or prevent criminal activity or fraud in insurance transaction, or to perform an insurance transaction involving you.
  2. To law enforcement or another government authority.
  3. To an insurance regulatory authority.
  4. To affiliates, as permitted by law.
  5. To a certificate or policyholder for the purpose of providing information regarding the status of an insurance transaction. to a lessor, lien holder, or other person identified in our records as having a legal or beneficial interest in a Policy.
  • Information about web sites

We do not sell information about you to others. If you only browse our web site and do not supply any information, you will not receive unsolicited e-mail, telephone calls, or other marketing materials from us as a result of your visit.

  • Links to other sites

Mazdak Insurance.com contains links to other websites. These other web sites are not under our direct control, and  they may collect information about you that MazdakInsurance.com does not. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of linked web sites, even though MazdakInsurance.com name or logo may appear on those sites. Our privacy statement applies solely to the MazdakInsurance.com site.

  • Change to this statement

Please be aware that we may periodically update or revise this statement. We, therefore, recommend you review this policy statement each time you may be asked to give us personal information after accessing this site.

Mazdak Insurance Services
Mazdak Insurance Services
Mazdak Insurance Services